Research and Insights for Life Science Companies

5 Keys of Professionalism

Written by Dani Petrunich | Apr 20, 2021 4:37:15 PM

One of the most important qualities of a go-to life science project management consultant is professionalism. Why is that? A professional can be relied on to deliver high-quality service to clients. They get the job done, and they get it done right. They can be relied on to act with respect and be pleasant to work with in varying situations. A professional can be relied on, period. At their core the professional is reliable, and reliability builds trust in any relationship. A professional consultant ensures a job well done, which is a key attribute of a go-to consultant.

So, what exactly makes someone a professional? Here are five key attributes of a true professional.

Key Attribute #1: A professional is focused on the task at hand — in a project manager consultant’s case, this means meeting client needs.

A professional is hired to perform a certain job, and to perform it well. A professional is not deterred in the face of obstacles or frazzled in the face of change, and they do not fall prey to the distractions of drama. A professional is able to navigate through the ever-evolving business landscape with poise and confidence, ensuring that the project moves forward and client needs are being met.

Key Attribute #2: A professional is competent in their area(s) of service.

In order for a project management consulting professional to meet client needs, they first need the skill set(s) required to complete project tasks. A professional life science consultant knows how to run an efficient team meeting, draft a clear status update to a steering committee, or create and maintain a team project plan. A professional has the skills — both soft and technical — to provide a high level of service, quality, and delivery to clients.

Key Attribute #3: A professional is organized.

Organization is especially important for a professional consultant. A professional project management consultant manages team information in a clean, logical, and easily accessible manner. They are able to reduce complexity by taking information from various sources and making it easy to understand, act on, and access. A professional always has a pulse on the scope of their work, and can clearly articulate project status to relevant stakeholders in a timely fashion.

Key Attribute #4: A professional is respectful.

A professional must be respectful. They are friendly and a team player. A professional is good at listening to the ideas and needs of others, and they stay cool, calm, and collected in charged discussions. While candid and clear in their communication, they always treat others with the utmost respect. A professional is also courteous of other peoples’ time, and adheres to company and cultural expectations within an organization.

Key Attribute #5: A professional is dependable.

All of these attributes make a life science project management consultant dependable. A professional delivers what they say they will deliver, when they say they will deliver it, and to the highest quality standards. They arrive to meetings in a timely manner. They follow  company policy and expectations. They always act with integrity and respect. A professional is a reliable, dependable, and trustworthy member of any team.

Tell Us What You Think 

Professionalism is one quality that differentiates the go-to consultant from the average consultant. What other attributes do you think make someone a professional? Why do you think your clients value professionalism? Share your thoughts in the comments section. For more information on Enterey Consulting’s life science project management solutions, schedule an appointment today.